Cemeteries of San Augustine County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated: February 25, 2010

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs  or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.   Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter or Lookup Other Photo

Alexander Horton Cemetery

San Augustine Bob Britnell - -
Antioch Ceemetery B San Augustine George C. Sowell and Christine Sowell - -
Antioch  Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell - -
Attoyac Cemetery FM 1196 Cheryl Burks Obit -
Boren-Crocker Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Catholic Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell    
Chumley Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell - -
Clay Cemetery - Carolyn Ruth Davis - -
Coleman Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Dickerson-Head Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Corinth Primitive Baptist Church FM353  San Augustine Bob Britnell - -
Harvey Cemetery Broaddus Bob Britnell - -

Hebron Cemetery

FM705 Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Horten Cemetery  2008 Bronson Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Horton Cemetery Bronson Bettye Bragg Wagstaff - -
Levi Crow Cemetery CR 313 Bob Britnell - -
Lucas Cemetery Broaddus Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Macedonia Cemetery Broaddus Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Macune Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Magnolia Springs Cemetery Magnolia Springs Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Maryland Cemetery B San Augustine Bob Britnell - -
McRae Cemetery   Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -

Miller Cemetery

  Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Mosiac Cemetery B San Augustine Bob Britnell - -
Mt Dena Cemetery Millertown Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell    

Mt Zion Cemetery B

San Augustine Bob Britnell -

Oak Grove Cemetery

Oak Grove Church

Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Pisgah Cemetery (B) CR 313 Bob Britnell - -
Redland Cemeetery (B) CR 220 Bob Britnell - -
Saunders Cemetery hwy 21 Bob Britnell - -
Shiloh Cemtery CR220 Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Smith - Catholic Cemetery San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Spring Ridge Cemetery CR354 Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
St John Cemetery Hwy. 103 & CR 3250 Christine Sowell -
St Peter's Baptist Cemetery Broaddus Bob Britnell - -
Sowell Cemetery   Gina Brown - -

Thomas Cemetery

near San Augustine Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Townsend Cemetery FM83 Bob Britnell - -
Union Grove Cemetery  B San Augustine Bob Britnell - -

Wood Cemetery

  Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell - -
Wood-Snell Cemetery FM 2390 Debra Coursey Pitts & son DJ. - -

Zavalla Cemetery

Zavalla - Angelina Co

Bob Britnell and Sandra Britnell -

 If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board   

or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.  

Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield 

Copyright/page design   by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009