Cemeteries of Smith County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated:- February 21, 2010

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs- or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use- the- Query Board- - - or- For queries when the county is not known, post here. - Unknown Counties Query Board

Tyler Morning Telegraph Tyler, Smith County Texas-

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter or Lookup More Picture
Alsup Cemetery Gregg-Smith Line Elaine Martin &Sharon Pierce - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Barber Cemetery Starrville Jo Ann Smith- Anna Hockaday goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes) goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Bedford Cemetery - need transcription obit -
Bethesda Cemetery   Sybil Glasscock   goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Bradford Cemetery - need transcription obit -
Bowman Cemetery Gregg-Smith Line Elaine Martin &Sharon Pierce - -
Bullard Cemetery Bullard Susan Newton - -
Bullard Memorial Cemetery Bullard - - -
Calvin Terry Cemetery Gregg-Smith Line Elaine Martin &Sharon Pierce - -
Ebenezer Cemetery (B) Arp Elizabeth Wiley - -
Ebenzer Cemetery Arp Tom & Cheryl Crump - -
Flint Cemetery Flint Susan Newton - -
Friendship Cemetery Gregg-Smith Line Elaine Martin &Sharon Pierce -

goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)

Garden Valley Cemetery Garden Valley Comm Elizabeth Allen Smith - -
Griffin Cemetery - need transcription obit -
Hope Cemetery Troup Elizabeth Wiley - -
Hopewell Cemetery - - - -
Jamestown  Cemetery - Sharon T. Huband - -
Knoxville Cemetery - need transcription obit -
Liberty Cemetery (B) Troup Elizabeth Wiley - -
Loftin Cemetery Teaselville Susan Newton - -
Mallory Cemetery Lindale Anne Clayton   goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Mart Cemetery - need transcription obit -
Memorial Park Cemetery Partial - - - -
New Harmony Cemetery - - - -
New Home Cemetery (B) - - - -
Noonday Cemetery Noonday Hwy 155 - - -
Pine Crest Cemetery - need transcription obit -
Red Springs Cemetery - Sybil Glasscock - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Rose Hill Cemetery Tyler Sandra Miller -photo by Elaine Nall Bay obit goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Rucker Cemetery Troup - obit -
Williams Cemetery Mew Chapel Nancy Faulk White Adams -Joyce E McWilliams - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)

If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use the Query Board or For queries when the county is not known, post here.

Unknown Counties Query Board


Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.- - - All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield-

Copyright/page design - by Gloria B. Mayfield 2000-2009
