Cemeteries of Fort Bend County Texas

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Gloria B. Mayfield, Cemeteries of TX Project Manager

Last updated: June 26, 2009

If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs  or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.   Unknown Counties Query Board

Fort Bend Online library

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter Other Picture
Arcola-Fresno Cemetery Arcola Kelli Daley - -
Beard aka Brown Cemetery Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Boone aka Snake Creek Cemetery Needville Lois Kennedy - -
Briscoe Family Cemetery(private) Rosenberg Lois Kennedy - -
Byrd Cemetery Rosenberg need transcription - -
Cesinger aka Seiler Cemetery Needville Lois Kennedy - -
Concord Cemetery Records Needville Lois Kennedy - -
Cottonwood Cemetery Rosenberg Lois Kennedy - -
Dr. Feris Cemetery (private) Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Dyer Cemetery Richmond Margaret Bates -  
Friedens United Church of Christ Cemetery Beasley Lois Kennedy    
Fulshear Cemetery (Mexican) Fulshear Lois Kennedy - -
Henry Jones Family Cem (private) Crabb Lois Kennedy - -
Hodges' Bend Cemetery Sugarland Olwyn Whitehouse - -
Hunter, Dr. Johnson C. (private) Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Immanuel United Church of Christ Cemetery Needville Lois Kennedy - -
Jenkins Grave Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Jones Cemetery Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Krasna Cemetery Orchard Lois Kennedy - -
Kuykendall Cemetery FM 762 Lois Kennedy - -
Modena Cemetery Beasley Lois Kennedy - -
Morton Cemetery Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Needville Baptist Church Cemetery Needville Lois Kennedy - -
New Home Cemetery Richmond Margaret Bates - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Old Guy Public Cemetery Guy Lois Kennedy - -
Orchard Cemetery Orchard Lois Kennedy - -
Pageville Church Record Richmond Lois Kennedy - -
Paradise Gardens Cemetery Kendleton Lois Kennedy - -
Paupers Cemetery  What is described as a plot 50' to 75' square out in the middle of a field Located: crossing of Hwy 6 and Alt. US Hwy. 90 in what is now called New Territory.  Help!! need information - -
Pleasant Green Cemetery Madden Rd D. Zumparelli - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Routt Point Cemetery Needville Lois Kennedy - -
San Gabriel Cemetery Richmond Lois Kennedy - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
San Isidro Cemetery Sugarland Lois Kennedy - goldmstar.gif (1927 bytes)
Sansberry Cemetery (B) Crabb Lois Kennedy - -
St Francisco Cemetery (Spanish Catholic) Needville Lois Kennedy - -
St Michaels Catholic Cemetery Needville Lois Kennedy - -
St Michaels Catholic Cem #1   Lois Kennedy    
St. Wenceslaus Catholic Cemetery Beasley Lois Kennedy    
Trinity Lutheran Cemetery Beasley Lois Kennedy    
Union Chapel Cemetery Rosenberg Lois Kennedy - -
Unknown Cemetery Guy Lois Kennedy - -
West Gethsemane Cemetery Rosenberg Lois Kennedy - -
Wheat Cemetery Rosenberg Lois Kennedy - -
Woodmen of the World Cemetery aka Rosenberg Cemetery Rosenberg Lois Kennedy - -


If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.  

Unknown Counties Query Board

Cemeteries of Texas is an Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Texas. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters.   All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:
Gloria Briley Mayfield 

Copyright/page design   by Gloria B. Mayfield 1999-2009