Fitzhugh Cemetery History

Forest Grove Christian Church

Collin Co, Cemeteries of TX

Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay and Patricia Nall

Historical Marker

List           History        Historical Marker

This site was first used as a cemetery in 1851 when property owner John R. Jones buried his infant son here.  The land was later donated as a public burial ground for the pioneer settlers of the surrounding Wilmeth settlement by Mary Virginia Dunn McLarry and her father Robert A. McLarry.  The earliest marked graves are those of a brother and sister, Henry E. & Adella M. Hall, who died in 1870.  Also buried here is J.B. Wilmeth, for whom the community was named.  The site is now used by descendants of the pioneer area families.

This church traces its origin to informal prayer meetings held in 1847 at the home of William and Mary (Syndusky) Snider.  American Revolutionary War Veterans and original settlers of the Peter’s Colony are counted among the early members of the congregation.  John M. McKinney Jr. and J. Ben Faulkner served as the first ministers of the church.  All church structures have occupied this site adjoining historical Fitzhugh Cemetery which has graves dating to 1852 although services ended in 1984.  Church buildings remain the site of various community programs and events (1992)