Maverick Cemetery

Photo by Carolyn Mioduski

Runnels Co. Cemeteries of Texas 

Submitted by Pat Hudgins

This information came from the "Cook County Cemeteries Epitaphs and Dates" book, was compiled and printed in 1990   by  Bonita Copeland and Wanda Smith and used with permission

Traveling from Bronte toward Ballinger on Highway 158, this cemetery is 1.8 miles from the Coke County line.  Turn right just before entering Maverick and go one-fourth mile, the cemetery is next to the road.


Bowman, J. K.                                               December 5, 1856       September 26, 1909

Brown, W. H.                                                 October 21, 1853        September 19, 1875


      Born in Georgia, with his parents

      Came to Texas in 1857. He and a brother,

      John were Texas Rangers.  W. H. “Billy”

      Brown serving June to December 1874.

      Billy Brown was the last man killed

      By Indians in Runnels County, in a

      Fight to regain stolen horses.

                                   Recorded 1967

Buff, Jewell R.                                                November 27, 1909    November 22, 1914

Graham, infant                                                June 4, 1906                June 26, 1906

Marshall, G. N.                                               January 6, 1845           March 23, 1886

Sinclair, D. A.                                                 November 14, 1837    January 27, 1881

Teague, Alma                                                  1913                            1914


Note:  There are 22 graves marked with            Rocks or slabs, with no names or dates