Ramsey Cemetery, Washita County, Oklahoma

Inscription by Carolyn S. Dickey

Location: East of Rock on Hwy 55 in Washita County, Oklahoma.

Last, Given, Birth, Death, Comments
Fargier, W. H., Aug. 22, 1900, Aged 45 yrs, 1 mo, 16 ds

Cemeteries of Oklahoma is a non-profit Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of Oklahoma. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters. All work is published with  permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only. No part of this Web site is to be sold to others, or distributed to others for profit. Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to: Gloria  B. Mayfield - Oklahoma Mgr.