Pfingsten Grave

Lincoln Co., Cemeteries of NM

Photos by Sheriff Jerry Hicks

Location:  At about 1.7 miles west of the Bonita Lake Damn, turn south and go about a tenth of a mile to a left turn in to the "West Lake Camp Ground and Picnic Area." (Permission will have to be obtained from the guard to get onto the grounds.) Go about 1/4 mile east down the road from the guard shack. The grave will be about 100 to 150 yards up the side of the mountain on the south side of the road. It is a government stone, with no dates on it, unfortunately.

The stone reads: Corpl. Henry Pfingsten, 16th Ill. Cav., Co. C. (Albert Henry Pfingsten born 1840 in Germany, died 1886 in Bonito NM)

Two other graves of men were located near to this site, but reportedly were dug up and moved, possibly to Santa Fe, by some archioligists from there. Apparently they had been down fairly close to the guard shack, and probably were in danger of being uncovered at some time, which is probably the reason they were moved.

If you have cemetery inscriptions, or photographs of this cemetery and want to donate them, we would love to present them here. They will be used for the general viewing public free of charge. If you would like to inform us of other information about cemeteries, whether this cemetery or another, please do so. Specific questions to the general viewing audience should be posted to the query boards you can find on the opening page of Cemeteries of New Mexico.


Cemeteries of New Mexico is a non-profit Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of New Mexico. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters. All work is published with permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only. No part of this Web site is to be sold to others, or distributed to others for profit. Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to: Gloria B. Mayfield - New Mexico Mgr.