Cemeteries of  Bienville Parish, Louisiana


If you would like to work on this project with us, Or if you have records
or photographs  or links that you would like to share, please contact us. We would love to make them available to the world. If you have general questions about individuals or cemeteries, please use  the  Query Board    or  For queries when the county is not known, post here.   Unknown Counties Query Board

 Need volunteers to do  lookups  

Cemetery Name

Location Submitter Other Photo
Arcadia Cemetery Redlands Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Bear Creek Cemetery Bryceland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Boddie Cemetery Hwy 507
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Brice Cemetery Arcadia
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Bryan Cemetery Ringgold
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Campground Cemetery Bienville
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Carolina Cemetery Saline
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Colbert Frazier Cemetery Black Lake Rd
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Danville Cemetery Danville
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Driskill Cemetery Bienville Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Friendship Cemetery Friendship Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Gibsland Cemetery Gibsland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Holder Cemetery Bienville Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Liberty Hill Cemetery  1 Liberty Hill Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Liberty Cemetery 2 Liberty Hill Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Liberty Cemetery Old 3 Liberty Hill Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Little Hope Cemetery Castor Doug McBroom - -
Madden Cemetery Fryeburg Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Magnolia Cemetery Saline Maxine Blake Morgan    
Mill Creek Cemetery Saline
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Mt. Lebanon Cemetery Gibsland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Mt. Olive Cemetery Sparta Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Mt Olive East Cemetery Arcadia Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Mt Olive West Cemetery Mt Olive Maxine Blake Morgan - -
New Bethel Church Cemetery Arcadia Maxine Blake Morgan - -
New Ebenezer Cemetery Castor Maxine Blake Morgan - -
New Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery Bryceland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Old Castor Cemetery Castor Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Old Ebenezer  Cemetery Bienville Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Old Fellowship Cemetery   B Bryceland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Old Saline Cemetery Saline Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Old Sparta Cemetery Bienville Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Page Graveyard Bienville Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Pine Grove Cemetery Castor Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Pleasant Grove Cemetery Ringgold Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Providence Cemetery Ringgold Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Ridge Cemetery Castor Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Rocky Mount Cemetery Ringgold Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Springhill Cemetery Ringgold Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Stewart Cemetery Bryceland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Taylor Cemetery Liberty Hill Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Union Cemetery Arcadia Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Watts Cemetery Ringgold Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Williamson Cemetery Bryceland Maxine Blake Morgan - -
Wimberly Cemetery Ringgold
Maxine Blake Morgan
- -
Woodard Cemetery Ada Maxine Blake and Jimmy Duane Morgan - -

This page is a part of the Cemeteries of  Texas project  and includes the Cemeteries of New Mexico, Cemeteries of Oklahoma, Cemeteries of Louisiana and all of the information here is FREE for you to use. If you are being charged to view/use any of this information,      please contact   gbm

Cemeteries of Louisiana is a non-profit Independent Genealogy Resource organization dedicated to preserving and protecting the natural cemetery history of the great state of  Louisiana. No claim is made to the copyrights of individual submitters. All work is published with  permission, and is intended for independent genealogy research only. No part of this Web site is to be sold to others, or distributed to others for profit.

Help us by submitting your transcriptions and photos to:

Gloria B. Mayfield aka LadyTexian, Cemeteries of Louisiana