Troup Banner, Troup TX: September 4, 1919 Rucker The home of our esteemed and worthy citizens, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Rucker, has had the rarest jewel plucked by death from its sacred precincts in the demise of their second son Orvis. Born on the 25th day of September 1916, his young life gradually entwined itself about the fond parents until it seemed the had become the one inseparable item in their felicitous lives. He was the favorite of the home, the pride of the neighborhood and dependent of his teacher in the Sunday school. On Friday August 29the, this choice little spirit took its flight to " the home beyond the skies." He there awaits the day of final reckoning when all who love our Lord and Savior will join him where there are no more broken ties and where no sorrow enters. His Sunday school class furnished a wreath of flowers, and they were tearfully laid on the little mound, inadequately expressing their appreciation of the devoted, obedient and loyal life of this noble and loveable little character. The Sunday school will miss you, Orvis; the pastor, the superintendent and teachers will look sorrowfully at the draped and empty chair. The home is desolate, but "we sorrow not as those who have no hope," for we know where to find you. His Pastor, Allen Tooke