Nannie Vanlandingham Obit

Daugherty Cemetery

Rains County Leader
Rains Co. Cemeteries of TX

Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay and Patricia Nall

Rains Co. Leader  Submitted by Elaine Nall Bay
July 6, 1923
Mrs. Vanlandingham Past Away Monday
Mrs. Nannie, wife of Mr. O.C. Vanlandingham, living about two miles Northwest of Emory died Monday after a long illness and her remains were buried in the Daugherty cemetery Wednesday, Rev. C.M. Martin of this city conducting the funeral service. Mrs. Vanlandingham had been a resident of Rains County the past forty five years, having come to Rains county with her parents from Alabama when she was four years of age, she being forty nine years of age in June. She has been a good wife and mother and during her long illness has had the loving care of her family, relatives and friends. She is survived by her husband and five children, four boys and one girl, and four brothers and other relatives. The Leader would join with the family in extending to the bereaved ones sincere sympathy in the loss of the dearest one on earth in this home.