Montague County Lookup information

Cynthia Smull

Cynthia has the following books and has volunteered to do lookups. Remember to be specific and don't ask for the world, just a piece of it.


Book Author

County Officials of Montague County1858-1975

Marvin F. London Copyright

1976 Indian Raids in Montague County1849-Last raid

Marvin F. London Copyright 1977

Famous Court Trials of Montague Co 1860-1911

Marvin F. London Copyright

1976 History of Montague Co. Texas

Mrs. W.R. Potter 1912-1958-1975

The Sage of Stony Point1857-1957 Forestburg TX

Steve Denham

1957 Levi Perryman Pioneer Indian Fighter

Montague Co Historical Com 1987

Pioneer Sketches

G W Cox(MCHC 1958)

Story of Montague Co. Tx-Its Past and Present 952pgs

Montauge Co Historical Com

1989 Montague Memorial Memories

Virginia Vann & Martha Romine