North Liberty Missionary Baptist Church - 1875

AKA Baptist Church of Christ at Tarrant

Hopkins Co., TX

Submitted by: Frankie Miller


These Minutes were taken from the original books of the now North Liberty Missionary Baptist Church dated from 1875 to 1907 and is located at the corner of FM.1537 and county road 3511 in the Mt. Sterling Community of Hopkins Co., Texas. These books are in the possession of Mrs. Lou Jane "Young" Peugh, who along with her son Tommy Peugh preserved these books and saved them from being destroyed.

The McLaughlin’s mentioned here are her family, and the DeBord’s are my husband T. J. Miller’s family, and is also a long time member of this little country church, which still holds services three times a week. The name of the church when it was re-organized in 1875, was originally called the Tarrant Church. Then later called the Baptist Church of Christ at Tarrant and held services in the Tarrant Church. Then in 1879 was moved to the Mt. Sterling Community, and was named Liberty. The services were held in Mt. Sterling School until the church building was built.

Then in 1946 the church was named North Liberty because of another church in the county that was named Liberty. The words and names written here are as they appear in the minutes and register of members of these books, and therefore may not be spelled correctly.


The Baptist Church of Christ at Tarrant

Tarrant Hopkins Co., Texas, 1875

August, 1875


An appointment was made and a meeting was held by Eld. B. H. Elder and Geo. L. Smith at Tarrant Church commencing on the fourth Sabbath in August in the year of our Lord 1875, for the purpose of re-organizing said Church. A call was made to the members of said church to present themselves in order to be re-organized as the Tarrant Church and there came forward for recognition, Sarah Posy, Elizabeth Raney and Miss Hopper. They were convened into a church meeting and the meeting continued from day to day for several days. The Lord blessed the laborers employed and a number were happily converted to God. The door for the reception of members was opened from time to time and a member was added to the church. B. H. Elder acting as Moderator and George L. Smith as Clerk there were received by experience and baptism the following persons:

Frank McLaughlin Sr.

Sarah Stevens

Lydia McLaughlin

Sallie Gaute

Benton Thomas

Jane Craig

Susan Stevens


Received By Letter:

John and Nancy Mathis

Queen McLaughlin

Eld. G. L. Smith

J. T. Summers

Ellen Summers


6 April, 1879

The Baptist Church met at Tarrant and after services B. H. Elder the Pastor proceded to business.

1st the Doors of the Church was opened.

2nd invited visiting Bro.’s to seat with us.

3rd inquired after fellowship.

4th Sister Hopper & Sister Rainey called for letters of dismmision and the letters were granted.

5th moved & second that Bro. E. G. Thomason be granted license to Preach the Gospel.

6th Bro. F. M. McLaughlin Sr. resigned the Clerkship of the Church & his resignation was received.

7th proceded to elect Bro. James Craig as Clerk.

8th unanimously agreed that we move the Tarrant Church to the place known as Mt. Sterling.

9th there being no further business , adjourned


B. H. Elder - Mod.

James Craig - Clerkship


20 April, 1879

The Baptist Church met at Mt. Sterling and after worship proceded to business.

1st doors of the church opened

2nd inquired after fellowship

3rd Bro. G. L. Smith and Sister Posey called for letters of dismission, and the letters were granted

4th time set to convene 1st Sabbath in May and September

5th invited Bro.’s Anderson and White Summers to commune with us

6th agreement to hold conference Saturday before the first Sunday in each month

7th adjourned

J. A. Craig - Clerk


1 May, 1879

The Baptist Church of Christ met at Mt. Sterling Saturday before the first Sunday in May.

1st the Moderator, B. H. Elder not being present, the Church proceded to elect Bro. J. M. DeBord to act as Moderator Pro tem.

2nd proceded to business

3rd invited visiting Bro.’s to seat with us

4th inquired after fellowship

5th called for references

6th minutes read and adopted

7th a charge against Sister Mary Cathy for dancing

8th appointed Sister Nancy Johnson & Sister Thomason to wait on the Sister

9th proceded to name our Church and hereafter to be known as Liberty

10th adjourned


J. M. DeBord - Mod.

J. A. Craig - Church Clerk

It was then that the Church became known as The Liberty Baptist Church of Christ at Mt. Sterling. And in 1899

became a Missionary Baptist Church. North was added to Liberty in 1946, because of another Church in the

county with the same name. The Church building that exist today was erected in the 1890's about a mile from it’s

currant location. The Church was moved to this site in 1952 on land owned by uncle Daniel DeBord. Then his

grandson, Dalby Debord and his wife Pat donated the land to the Church in 1966. In 1976 it was listed under the Texas Historical Society.


1875 to 2004

Register of Pastors:

1875 - Elder, Benjamin H. Elder

1876 - Elder, George L. Smith

1877 - Elder, James Christian

1878 - Elder, Benjamin H. Elder

1879 - Elder, J. M. Henderson

1880 - no Information available

1881 - Bro. R. H. Fowler

1882-87 - no info. available, pages missing from Church book

1888 - Bro. Mitchell - Rev. F. M. McLaughlin Sr.

1889 - Bro. F. M. McLaughlin Sr. - Elder, Owens

1890-92 - Elder, James Christian

1893-96 - Bro. C. M. Martin

1897 - Bro. J. W. "Brad" McLaughlin - Bro. R. W. Lowery

1898 - Bro. J. W. "Brad" McLaughlin

1899 - Bro. J. W. Martin

1900-02 - Bro. D. W. Carter

1903-08 - Bro. W. A. "Billy" Stone

1909-10 - no info. available, pages missing from Church book

1911 - Bro. W. A. "Billy" Stone

1912 - no info. available, pages missing from Church book

1913-14 - Bro. J. W. Hargrave

1915-18 - Bro. T. H. Smith

1919-21 - Bro. A. R. Fletcher

1922-23 - Bro. L. A. Stidham

1923 - Bro. L. A. Stidham - Bro. R. A. Wilkins

1924 - Bro. R. A. Wilkins

1925 - Bro. A. J. Alford

1926 - Bro. L.A. Stidham

1927-28 - Bro. J. S. Caldwell

1929 - Bro. A. J. Alford

1930-32 - Bro. A. J. Findley

1933-34 - Bro. J. S. Burgin

1935-37 - no Pastor, Sunday school only

1938-41 - Bro. J. S. Burgin

1942-44 - Bro. Roy Baxter Scroggins

1945 - Bro. Oscar Lewis Smith

1946 - Bro. Frank Shirley

1947-50 - Bro. Carl Acker

1951-52 - Bro. Dick Woodard

1953-54 - Bro. H. W. Reid

1955 - Bro. C. E. Patton

1956 - Bro. Marice Bozman

1957 - Bro. Kenneth Crumbly

1958 - Bro. Kenneth Crumbly - Bro. J. R. Beckham

1959 - Bro. J. R. Beckham

1960 - Bro. J. R. Beckham - Bro. Doyle Owens

1961-63 - Bro. Doyle Owens

1964 - Bro. Doyle Owens - Bro. Mance Coker

1965 - Bro. Mance Coker - Bro. Bobby Harris

1966 - Bro. Bobby Harris

1967 - Bro. Jimmy Rogers - fill in Pastor

1968-70 - Bro. Doyle Owens

1971-72 - Bro. Stanley May

1973 - Bro. Loyd McKinney

1974 - Bro. J. C. Smithers

1975-76 - Bro. Gary Peters

1977-84 - Bro. J. C. Pollard

1985-91 - Bro. Jessie Miller

1991-92 - Bro. John Hailey

1992-98 - Bro. Jerry Clements

1998-03 - Bro. Michael Coker

2003-04 - Bro. James B. Tomlinson


1875 to 1908

Register of Members:

Anderson, - ? - Bro. - a member - April, 1879

Berry, Anna - baptized - Aug. 1907

Bush, Vinny - joined in Dec. 1894 - dismissed by letter - Oct. 1899

Brewer, J. R. - rec. by letter - Oct. 1897 - dis. by letter - 11 Mar. 1900

Brewer, M. L.., Sister - rec. by letter - Oct. 1897 - dis. by letter - 11 Mar. 1900

Barclay, Anna - received by letter - 1908

Barclay, Hazel - baptism - excluded - 1909

Boss, Harley - baptism - Aug. 1907 - dropped - about, 1909

Bush, John - baptized - Aug. 1894 - excluded - Oct. 1899

Bittie, L. M. - dismissed by letter - No Date

Brooks, S. H. - a member in Aug. 1881

Boss, G. W. - received by statement - Aug. 1906 - excluded - Feb. 1915

Boss, - ? -, Sister - baptized - Aug. 1906

Boss, H. E. - baptism - Aug. 1906 - later dropped - No Date

Bunch, Bo - baptism - 1908

Bruton, Nancy J. - baptized - July, 1877

Carter, D. W. - a member in - May, 1900 - dis. - 7 Sept. 1901

Cathy, Mary - no record on when joined - excluded for dancing - May, 1879

Craig, John - baptized - July, 1877

Craig, James - baptized July, 1877

Craig, Sarah - dismissed by letter - No Date

Christian, James - Pastor - 1879

Castles, Ida - dismissed by letter - No Date

Conine, R. E. - received by letter - Jan. 1902 - dismissed by letter - Mar. 1904

Conine, R. E. Sister - rec. by letter - Jan. 1902 - dis. by letter - Mar. 1904

Castles, W. W. received by letter - No Date

Conine, Louis - received by letter - Jan. 1902 - dis. by letter - Mar. 1904

Davis, L. W. Pastor - joined Nov. 1901 - dis. - ? -

Day, Ann - baptized - Aug. 1878 - excluded - ? -

DeBord, Mollie - member in - April, 1900

DeBord, Lydia M. - {married a Miller} - no other info given

DeBord, Mary H. - {married a Davis} - dismissed by letter - No Date

DeBord, R. E. F. - {married a Macon} - baptism - July, 1902

DeBord, Sarah - {married a Manning} - no other info given

DeBord, J . M. - bapt. - Oct, 1878 - excl. - Mar. 1906 - rest. - ord. a dec. - about 1917 - dis. - 1934 - died, 1935

DeBord, Mary - joined - 1878 - excl. - Mar. 1906 - restored - No Date - dis. by letter - 1934 - died, 1941 - w/o J. M. DeBord

DeBord, Daniel Sr. - joined - about 1878 - excluded - Mar. 1906 - J. M. DeBord’s father

Delwell, Wesley - received by letter - 1907

Elder, B. H. Rev. - Pastor - 1875 - died - 26 May, 1899

Fields, Martha - baptized - July, 1877 - excluded for adultery - May , 1880

Fowler, R. H., Rev. - joined - Mar. - 1881

Ellison, M.E., Mrs. - received by statement - July,1902

Fitzgerald, R. A., Mr. - received by letter -Aug. 1905 - dropped - Oct. 1906

Fitzgerald, Willie - received by letter - Aug. 1905

Fitzgerald, Lonie, Mrs. - received by letter - Aug. 1905 - w/o Willie

Griffin, T. L. - baptized - Aug. - 1878 - excluded - Nov. 1879

Gaute, Sallie - baptized - Aug. 1875 - excluded for dancing - Oct. 1878

Giles, H. A. - received by baptism - Aug. 1903 - dismissed by letter - No Date

Hankins, Robert - baptized - July, 1877 - excluded - No Date

Hankins, Ellen - excluded - No Date

Hampton, Sarah - baptized - July, 1877

Howell, Lutitia S. - baptized - July, 1877

Hawk, W. F. - joined by statement - 1902 - excluded - June, 1903

Hawk, Willie - received by statement - 1902 - excluded - June, 1903 - w/o W. F. Hawk

Hawk, M. L. - baptized - Sept. 1902

Hawk, Minnie - baptized - 1902

Herron, Henderson - joined by statement - 1908

Herron, Stella - baptism - 1908

Henderson, Henry - received by letter - No Date

Hill, G. P. - baptized - 14 Feb. 1904 - dismissed - Nov. 1905

Hill, F. L. - baptized - 14 Feb. 1904 - dismissed - Nov. 1905 - w/o G. P. Hill

Hill, V. P. - baptized - 14 Feb. 1904 - dismissed - Nov. 1905

Hill, Vesta - baptized - 14 Feb. 1904 - dismissed - Nov. 1905 - w/o V. P. Hill

Henderson, J. M. - a member - Nov. 1879

Henderson, Emily J. - received and dismissed - No Dates

Henderson, Sarah - received by letter - No Date

Horton, B. C. - joined - Aug. 1905

Hopper, - ? - Miss. - joined - 1875 - dismissed - 6 April, 1879

Hoover, Bedie - joined - 1907 - dismissed - 17 July, 1926

Johnson, Andrew - baptized - Aug. 1878 - dismissed - Sept. 1889

Johnson, Alice - baptized - Aug. 1878 - dismissed - Sept. 1889 - w/o Andrew Johnson

Johnson, Nancy - baptized - July, 1877

Johnson, E. A. - member in - April, 1894

Johnson, Joe, Sister - member in - Aug. 1891 - dismissed - 1891

Johnson, John - joined - ? - excluded - Mar. 1906 - died - 1908

Johnson, Jane "Craig" - baptized - Aug. 1875 - ex. - Mar. 1906 - died - 12 Feb. 1927 - w/o John


Johnson, Elick - died - Jan. 1902

Johnson, Willie - joined - No Date - died - 1909

Johnson, J. H. - baptized - Sept. 1903 - died - 8 Feb. 1917

Johnson, Marvin - baptism - excluded - No Dates

Johnson, Wylie - baptized - Aug. 1878 - dismissed - Oct. 1903 - died - 1926

Johnson, Annie "Texana" - joined - Aug. 1878 - dismissed - Oct. 1903 - died - 1941 - w/o Wylie Johnson

Johnson, Maud - {1st wife of uncle Daniel DeBord} - died - 13 Nov. 1918

Johnson, Lee - baptism - dismissed - No Dates

Johnson, Ada - baptized - July, 1902 - 2nd wife of uncle Daniel DeBord

Johnson, Matilda - baptized - 1903

Johnson, Jenny - joined - ? - dismissed - Oct. 1903

Johnson, Josie - received by letter - No Date

Jobe, Jerry - joined - No Date - deceased - No Date

Jobe, W. C. - member in May, 1899 - deceased - No Date

Jobe, Adele - excluded - June, 1901 - reinstated & dismissed - 1926

Jobe, Polly - joined - deceased - No Dates

Joplin, M. J. - received by letter - dropped - No Dates

Lowery, R. W., Rev. - joined - Oct. 1897

Martin, C. M. - a member in - Dec. 1893

Mathis, John - baptism - Aug. 1875

Mathis, Nancy - baptism - Aug. 1875

McLaughlin, Frank Sr. - baptized - Aug. 1875 - died - 27 March 1906 - ordained as Preacher - Nov. 1887

McLaughlin, Lidda {is Lydia} - baptism - Aug. 1875 - deceased - 1905 - w/o Frank Sr.

McLaughlin, Frank Jr. - excluded - No Date

McLaughlin, Bettie "Battles" - baptized - Sept. 1894 - died - 16 Dec. 1904 - 1st w/o Frank Jr.

McLaughlin, J. M. - joined - No Date - dismissed - No Date

McLaughlin, D. W. - excluded - No Date

McLaughlin, Queen - received by letter - Aug. 1875 - died - March 1920

Miller, S. O. "Sam" - baptized - 1903 - dismissed - Sept. 1923

Miller, O. W. "Onas" - baptized - 1903 - excluded - Oct. - 1903

Manning, D. O. Mr. - baptism - dismissed - No Dates

Manning, Dora "DeBord" - baptized - 1901 - ex. -1903 - rest. - Feb. 1917 - dis. - 17 Apr. 1921 - w/o T. O. Manning

Manning, T. O. - baptized - Aug. 1905 - dismissed - No v. 1905

Moore, - ? - joined & dismissed - No Dates

Mentor, Bill - baptism - No Date

Mentor, Minnie - baptism - No Date

Moore, H. C. - baptism - dismissed - No Dates

Moore, H. E., Bro. - Baptized - Aug. 1905

Means, T. C. - baptism - Aug. 1905

Means, C. A. - baptism - deceased - No Dates

Mathews, Nancy - excluded - No Date

McLaughlin, T. J. - baptized - 31 July, 1880

McLaughlin, Della - a member in - Aug. 1898 - dismissed - No Date

McLaughlin, Clifford - a member in - 7 Sept. 1901 - dismissed - No Date

McLaughlin, Allie - dismissed - No date

McLaughlin, Walter - joined - about 1898

McLaughlin, Jennie - baptism - about 1898 - w/o Walter McLaughlin

McLaughlin, J. W. "Brad" - joined - April, 1892 - ordained Preacher - Sept. 1894

McLaughlin, Lotta - baptism - dismissed - No Date

Moore, Mrs. - baptism - dismissed - No Dates

Miller, Maggie "DeBord"- baptized - Oct. 1903 - dis - by letter - July, 1922 - w/o Jimmie Miller - d/o J. M. DeBord

Nalls, - ? - Sister - a member - Nov. 1879 - dis. Aug. 1881

Nordin, J. T. - joined - 7 Sept. 1901 - excluded - 1907

Nordin, C. O. - joined - Aug. 1902

Nordin, M. C., Mrs. - received by letter - No date - deceased - 1906

Nordin, M. F. - received by letter - No date

Newcomer, - ? -, Mr. - received by letter - June, 1908 - dismissed - No Date

Newcomer, - ? -, Mrs. - received by letter - 1909 - dismissed - No Date

Osborn, Henry - baptism - 7 Sept. 1901

Osborn, Vinda - joined - 7 Sept. 1901 - w/o Henry

Osborn, J. N. - rec. by statement - ordained to Preach - July, 1902

Osborn, H. A. - received by letter - Sept. 1902 - dismissed - 20 Mar. 1926

Osborn, Sula B. - received by letter - Sept. 1902 - dismissed - 20 Mar. 1926 - w/o H. A. Osborn

Osborn, A. R., Mrs. - baptism - July, 1902 - excluded - No Date

Osborn, Allie - married S. O. Miller - baptized - excluded - Sept. 1903 - restored - dis. by letter - Sept. 1922

Osborn, Becky - received by statement - 1908 - dismissed - No Date

Osborn, Ella - baptism - Aug. 1905 - {married Mr. Pullen} - dismissed - Aug. 1922

Osborn, J. R. - baptized - Aug. 1904 - died - 21 Feb. 1937

Patterson, E. B. - joined by statement - Aug. 1906

Patterson, E. B., Sister - joined by statement - Aug. 1906

Peach, W. F. "Will" - a member - Aug. 1898 - dismissed - 1908

Posey, Will - joined by statement - 1908

Perleg, Anna - baptized - 1907

Pherigo, Mary "Bartley" - joined about - 1908 - excluded - March, 1915

Posey, Sarah - joined - 1875 - dismissed - 1879

Posey, J. H. - a member - May, 1878

Posey, Aggie - joined by letter -1908 - died - 1938

Posey, Vada - joined by letter - 1908

Pinionton, Loney - joined by letter - Aug. 1905

Pinionton, Bettie - joined by letter - Aug. 1905 - w/o Loney Pinionton

Raney, Elizabeth - joined - 1875 - dismissed - 6 April, 1879

Rucker, James - baptism - dismissed - No dates

Rucker, Lizzie - received & dismissed by letters - No dates

Shugart, S. P. - a member in May, 1878

Smith, Eld. George L. - received by letter - Aug. 1875 - dismissed - 1879 - died, 1892

Stevens, Sara - baptism - Aug. 1875

Stevens, Susan - baptism - Aug. 1875

Slator, Bro. - a member in - 1880 - no other info. given

Stone, W. A. - a member - Feb, 1904

Stone, Lum - received & dismissed by letters - No Dates

Spangler, T. J. - received by letter - April, 1905 - dismissed - No Date

Spangler, J. S. - received by letter - April, 1905

Spangler, J. S., Mrs. - received by letter - April, 1905 - dismissed - No Date

Summers, J. T. - received by letter - Aug. 1875 - No other info found

Summers, Ellen - received by letter - Aug. 1875 - No other info found

Summers, White - a member - April, 1879 - No other info found

Teer, J. D. - rec’d. by letter - drop. - No Dates - restored & dismissed by letter - 11 July, 1903

Teer, Fannie - rec’d. by letter - drop. -No Dates - restored & dismissed by letter - 11 July, 1903

Teer, G. W. - received by letter - dropped - No Dates

Teer, Cattie - joined by letter

Thomas, Benton - baptism - Aug. 1875

Thomason, Burton - a member in Dec. 1879

Thomason, Lillie P. - {married a Mr. Osborn} - joined - about - 1899 - dismissed - No Date

Thomason, G. Washington -baptized - Aug. 1878 - dismissed - July, 1902 - died - 1920

Thomason, Belle "McLaughlin" - bap. - Aug. 1878 - dis. -1902 - rej. -1908 -ex.-1932 - 2nd h/o Mr. Burnett,

3rd h/o, Mr. Pool

Thomason, Icie V. - {married a Mr. Osborn} - no other info given

Thomason, E. G. - a member - 1877 - dismissed - 12 March, 1881

Voss, F. - baptism - Aug., 1903 - excluded - Sept., 1908

Voss, M. E., Mrs. - baptism - No Date - excluded - Sept., 1908

White, Bunevista - baptism - July, 1877

White, Arthur -baptism - 1908

Weldon, J. T. - joined - Aug. 1905 - dismissed - Nov. 1905

Weldon, S. A., Sister - joined - Aug. 1905 - dismissed - Nov. 1905 - w/o J. T. Weldon

Weldon, Nathan - joined & dismissed by letters - No Dates

Weldon, J. M. - joined - Aug. 1905 - dismissed - Nov. 1905

Weldon, E. E., Mrs. - joined - Aug. 1905 - dismissed - Nov. 1905 - w/o J. M. Weldon

West, Maud E., Mrs. - received by letter - No Date - dismissed - Mar. 1904

Weldon, Ellie - received & dismissed - No Dates

Weldon, Ludie - received & dismissed - No Dates

Weldon, Viola - baptized - Aug. 1905 - dismissed - Nov. 1905

White, M.E., Mrs. - received & dismissed - No Dates

White, Alice - rec. by letter - 1908 - died - 20 Oct. 1941

White, Loretta - a member - Nov. 1879


No Records Found On Members Between 1908 - 1912

1913 to 1937

Register of Members:

Hargrave, J. W. Rev. - joined - 1913 - dismissed - 1914

Hargrave, Bertha - joined - 1913 - dismissed - 1914

Epperson, Jennie - joined - ? - dismissed - July, 1914

White, Norah - received by letter - No Date - dismissed - 7 May, 1927

Harris, Elizabeth - baptism - 1917

Johnson ,Anna - baptism - 1915

Stinson, Elizabeth - joined by letter - 1915 - deceased - 24 Feb. 1922

Batterson, Sister - received by letter - 1915

Talston, Valeria - received by letter - June, 1915 - dismissed - March, 1919

Talston, Zula - statement - July, 1915 - dismissed - Nov. 1915

Metzer, Bill - joined - ? - excluded - Aug. 1915

Stinson, Alfred - joined - July, 1915 - dismissed - 17 April, 1921

Stinson, Annie - joined - July, 1915 - dismissed - 17 April, 1921

Voss, Ethel - joined - ? - exclude - March, 1915

Boyed, Bobbie - statement - July, 1915 - married Albert Nordin

Boyed, Corinna - statement - July, 1915 - married Mr. Connor - dis. 15 Dec. 1935

Steed, Lucy "White" - baptism - July, 1915 - dismissed - 16 Jan. 1938

Palmer, Anna - statement - July, 1915

Osborn, Iva Kate - baptism - July, 1915

Reppond, James - received - about - 1914

Reppond, Marve - received - about - 1914

Reppond, Bennie - rec. by letter - April, 1914 - dismissed - Nov. 1915

Reppond, Esther "Johnson" - baptized - July, 1915 - dismissed - Nov. 1915 - w/o Bennie Reppond

Nordin, George - joined - 1917 - dismissed - 23 Aug. 1922

Nordin, Idella - baptism - July, 1915 - dismissed - 23 Aug. 1922 - w/o George Nordin

Burton, Ardie - baptized - July, 1915 - excluded - 14 May 1921

McCain, Tom, Rev. - rec. by letter - 1917 - ordained Jul. 1921 - dis. by letter - 20 Feb. 1926 - died - 24 Sept. 1954

McCain, Rosa - received by letter - 1917 - dismissed - 20 Feb. 1926 - died - 24 Oct. 1971

Bunch, Alfred - joined - 1917 - excluded - ? - reinstated - 14 Jul. 1923 - dismissed - Sept. 1923

Osborn, John - a member in 1917, no other info given

Nordin, Allie - received by letter - 1917

Nordin, Ollie - received by letter -1919

Coursey, Rev. - received by letter - 1917 - dis. by letter - 1919 - returned - 16 Jan. 1921 - dismissed - Jan. 1923

Smith, T. H. Rev. - received by letter - 21 April, 1917 - dismissed - 1922

Thurman, Charley - baptized - July, 1917 - dismissed - July, 1918

Ellison, M. E. - joined - 1921 - died - Aug. 1928

McDonald, Josia - a member in 1919 - excluded - 18 Aug. 1923

McIntire, Minnie - joined - 1917 - {married Mr. Baxley} - {then wed Mr. Moore} - excluded - 25 Sept. 1932

Davis, Elizabeth - {married Mr. Williams} - joined in 1917 - died - 24 Nov. 1924

Patterson, Sister - joined - 1917

Midgette, Vada - joined - ? - dismissed - July, 1914 - rejoined - ? - dismissed - 17 April, 1921

Coursey, Sister -joined - 1917 - dismissed - 1919 - returned - 16 Jan. 1921 - dismissed - Nov. 1923

Coursey, Mamie -joined - 1917 - dismissed - 1919 - returned - 16 Jan. 1921 - dismissed - Nov. 1923

Dillard, Lucy - received by letter - July, 1917 - dismissed - 1917

Roberson, Norah - baptized - July, 1917 - excluded - July 1922

Davis, Theo - baptized - Sept. 1917 - dismissed - 18 Aug. 1923

Coursey, Beulah - joined - July, 1917 - dismissed - May, 1923

Lovell, J. Wesley - joined - 1917 - dismissed - 6 Mar. 1921

Sparks, Lucy - joined - ? - dismissed - Feb. 1918

Newcomer, W. J. Rev. - statement - May, 1919 - dismissed - 16 Jan. 1921

Parker, Pairlee - baptized - Aug. 1919

Burgin, J. S. Rev. - received by letter - July, 1920 - dismissed - Oct. 1930

Burgin, Ora - joined - July, 1920 - dismissed - Oct. 1930

Burgin, Mattie - joined - July, 1920 - dismissed - Oct. 1930

Johnson, Myrtle - baptism - July, 1920 - {married Mr. Barron} - dismissed - Aug. 1922

Manning, Erma - baptism - July, 1920 - dismissed - 4 May 1921

McKamy, Sister - statement - May, 1921- dismissed - July, 1937

Sickles, Veda - received by letter - 1921- dismissed - Nov. 1938

McCain, Annie - received by letter - 1921 - dismissed - Jan. 1924

Warsham, Bro. - baptism - Aug. 1921 - dismissed - April, 1922

Warsham, Sister - received by letter - 1921 - dismissed - April, 1922

Kirk, Emma Sister - received by letter - 1921 - dismissed - 19 Sept. 1926

Williamson, Sister - baptism - Sept. 1921 - dismissed - 20 Mar. 1926

Williamson, Bro. - received by letter - Sept. 1921

Sickles, Louis, Bro. - baptism - Aug. 1921 - dismissed - Nov. 1935

Kirk, Pink Bro. - received by letter - 1921 - dismissed - 19 Sept. 1926

Irons, Alma - received by letter - Nov. 1921 - dismissed - Nov. 1928

Dodd, Sister - received by letter - 15 Jan. 1922 - dismissed - 20 Mar. 1926

Dodd, A. L.. - joined - 1922 - dismissed - 20 Mar. 1926

Cain, J. L., Bro. - joined - 1922 - dismissed - 20 Dec. 1924

Cain, Sister - joined - 1922 - dismissed - 20 Dec. 1924

Cain, Ira - joined - Feb. 1922 - dismissed - 20 Dec. 1924

Cain, Chesteen - joined -1922 - dismissed - 20 Dec. 1924

Cain, Arthur - joined - 1922 - dismissed - 20 Dec. 1924

White, A. B. - joined - 1922 - dismissed - 7 May, 1927

Jeffery, J. W. -joined - June , 1922 - dismissed - April, 1923

Jeffery, J. W., Sister - joined - June 1922 - dismissed - April, 1923

Pharr, J. W., Bro. - joined - 1922 - dismissed - 1923

Hooten, Earl - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - died - 30 Mar. 1972

Hooten, Leota - joined - about 1926 - died - 3 April, 1937 - 1st w/o Earl Hooten

Worthen, J. O., Bro. - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922

Worthen, Mary, Sister - joined - 27 Aug. 1922 - w/o J. O. Worthen

Worthen, Eugene - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 16 Jan. 1938 - s/o J. O. & Mary Worthen

Worthen, Lucille "Winfrey" - baptized - July, 1930 - dismissed - 16 Jan. 1938 - w/o Eugene Worthen

Osborn, Lena - baptism - 27 Aug. 1922 - married Weldon Spears

McCain, Bessie - baptism - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 20 Feb. 1926

McKamy, John - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 8 Sept. 1929

McKamy, Ira - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 8 Sept. 1929 - w/o John McKamy

McKamy, Ruth - baptized -27 Aug. 1922 - {married Mr. Williams}

McKamy, Minnie "Mills" - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - died - 5 April, 1925

Lawson, Pauline "Buford" - baptism - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 12 Feb. 1928

Mcareath, Cleo - baptism - 27 Aug. 1922 - married Mr. Hibbelt - dismissed - 1923

Cain, Beulah - baptism - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 20 Dec. 1924

Anderson, Verdie - baptism - 27 Aug. 1922

Sickles, Bertie - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - Sept. 1929

Merritt, Zelphia "Herron" - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 24 Aug. 1940 - w/o R. L. Merritt Sr.

Ballen, Elizabeth - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - Sept. 1929

Horton, Carnelia - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 19 Sept. 1925

Young, Mollie - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - Oct. 1934 - died about - 1978 - 2nd w/o Joe Young

Hollins, Mattie - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - Jan. 1924

Jobe, Albert - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - died - 25 Oct. 1969

Jobe, Carl - joined - Dec. 1923

Hooten, Delbert - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922

Hooten, Ura - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922

Ledford, Riley - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - dismissed - 20 Mar. 1926 - rejoined - Mar. 1929 - dis. - 25 Aug. 1935

Ledford, Iva - joined - 1921 - dis. 20 Mar. 1926 - rejoined - Mar. 1929 - dismissed - 25 Aug. 1935

Sweet, Vry - joined about - 1926 - dismissed - Sept. 1930

Wilkins, R. A. Rev. - joined - April, 1923 - dismissed - 21 Nov. 1926

Wilkins, R. A. Mrs. - joined - April, 1923 - dismissed - 21 Nov. 1926

Wilkins, Opal - joined - April, 1923 - dismissed - 21 Nov. 1926

Wilkins, Vatie Lee - joined - April, 1923 - dismissed - 18 Dec. 1926 - married Mr. Scharbor

Wilkins, Grady - joined - April, 1923 - dismissed - 18 Dec. 1926

Wilkins, Cremby - baptism - 1923 - dismissed - 18 Dec. 1926

Wells, Clovis - joined - April, 1923 - dismissed - Sept. 1924

McKamy, Jim - baptism - 1923 - died - 16 May, 1936

McKamy, Marice - baptism - 1923 - excluded - 27 April, 1930

Wells, Justine - baptism - 1923

Wells, Eva - baptism - 19 Aug. 1923 - dismissed - 16 Dec., 1923

Money, Essie - joined - 1923 - dismissed - May, 1924

McKamy, Odena - baptism - 1924 - dismissed - July, 1930

Miller, Maggie "DeBord" - joined again - 1924 - dismissed - June, 1929

Munden, Willie - joined - 16 May, 1925

Jefferson, Gracy - joined about - 1926

Jefferson, Florence - joined about - 1926

Jefferson, Emmitt - baptized - Aug., 1933

DeBord, Wanda - joined about - 1926 - dismissed - 22 May, 1932

Osborn, Grady - joined about - 1927

McCain, J. C. - joined about - 1927 - dismissed - May, 1930

Winn, May Dee "Osborn" - joined about - 1927 - dismissed - 25 Aug., 1935

Burgin, Lona Bell - joined about - 1927 - dismissed - Oct., 1930

Griffin, Clara, Sister - joined - Aug. 1929

Griffin, Dee, Bro. - joined - Aug. 1929

Fennell, Sister - joined about - 1929 - dismissed - 1933

Dearing, E. A., Deacon -joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - Dec., 1930

Dearing, E. A., Sister -joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - Dec., 1930

Dearing, Glen - joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - Dec., 1930

Banks, R. A., Deacon -joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - June, 1932

Banks, Sister -joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - June, 1932

Banks, Alvin, Bro. - joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - June, 1932

Banks, Francis, Bro. - joined - Feb. 1930 - dismissed - June, 1932

Ball, Sto.-? - joined - July, 1930

Davis, Vernon - joined - 20 July, 1930

Winfrey, John Calvin - baptized - Aug. 1932 - dismissed - 16 Jan. 1938

Winfrey, Ed, Mrs. -joined - Aug. 1932 - dismissed - 16 Jan. 1938

Shipp, Fay Ruth "Osborn" - baptized - July, 1930 - dismissed - 25 Aug. 1935

DeBord, Ruth - baptized - July, 1931 - w/o Ray DeBord

Smith, Threecy, Sister - baptized - Aug. 1933

Parnell, Sister - joined - Aug. 1933

Bennett, Myrtle - joined - July, 1937


Vol. 02

1940 to 1941

Register of Members:

Hooten, Posha - baptism - 1940 - 2nd w/o Earl Hooten

Patton, C. E. - baptism - 1940

Patton, Rosa Lean - baptism - 1940

Reppond, Sybal - baptism - 1940

Farnsworth, Francis, Bro. - baptism - 1940

Hatchett, Mildred Louise - joined - 1940 - dismissed - July, 1942

Hatchett, Thelma - joined - 1940 - dismissed - July, 1942

Maddox, R. B. - joined - Aug. 1940 - dismissed - Nov. 1940

Maddox, R. B., Mrs. - joined - Aug. 1940 - dismissed - Nov. 1940

Brumley, Ruby "DeBord" - joined - Aug. 1941 - d/o uncle Daniel & Maudie DeBord

Miller, Maggie - joined again - Aug. 1941 - d/o J. M. & Mary M. DeBord

McCain, T. J. "Tom", Rev. -joined again - Dec. 1941

McCain, Rosa - joined again - Nov. 1941

Posey, Terry - joined - 1941

Posey, Sister - joined - 1941

Wells, A. C., Rev. - joined - Nov. 1941


No Records Found Between 1942 - 1952

1953 to 2004

Register of Members:

Herron, Stella - died - 1977

Herrin, Henderson - died - 1956

Worthen, J. O. - died about - 1963

Worthen, Mary "McCain" - died - 3 April, 1966 - W/o J. O. Worthen - sister of Dan McCain

Nordin, Albert - joined - ? - died - 18 Feb. 1979

Nordin, Bobbie "Boyd" - joined - 1915 - died 15 June, 1976 - w/o Albert Nordin

Midgett, Vada - dismissed - 16 June, 1957 - w/o Ray Midgett

Midgett, Ray - dismissed - 16 June, 1957

Hooten, Earl, Deacon - baptized - 27 Aug. 1922 - died - 30 Mar. 1972

Faulk, Posha "Allen" "Hooten" - dismissed - 31 Jan. 1965

Hooten, James Arthur - joined - ? -

Hooten, James A., Mrs. joined - ? - dismissed - 1954 - w/o James A. Hooten

Posey, J. E., Mrs. - died - 12 Dec. 1963

DeBord, Daniel, Uncle - joined - No Date - died - 27 Jan. 1966 - s /o J. M. & Mary M. DeBord

DeBord, L. E., Deacon - joined - ? - died - 21 Jan. 1967 - s/o uncle Daniel DeBord

DeBord, Gladys - joined - Aug. 1944 - died - 12 Feb. 1997 - w/o L. E. Debord

DeBord, Rudolph "Rudy" - joined 4 July, 1993 - resent mem. - 2004 - s/o L. E. & Gladys DeBord

DeBord, Dorothy - joined - 11 May, 1994 - present mem. - 2004 - w/o Rudolph DeBord

DeBord, Chester Earl - joined -?- dismissed - 2 May, 1982 - s/o L. E. & Gladys DeBord

DeBord, Cecile - baptized - 16 June, 1957 -1st w/o Chester Earl DeBord

DeBord, Dalby - baptized - Aug. 1952 - present mem. - 2004 - s/o L. E. & Gladys DeBord

DeBord, Patricia "Cheasum" - baptized - 4 Dec. 1960 - dis. - 14 Mar. 1971 - 1st w/o Dalby DeBord

Potter, Charley - joined - ? - died - 8 Oct. 1971

Potter, Ruby "DeBord" - baptized - 1 Aug. 1931 - died - 27 June, 2004 - w/o Charley Potter

Potter, T. D. - bap.- 2 Apr. 1972 - dis.- 18 May, 1980 - rejoin - 3 Apr.1994 - pres. mem. - 2004 - s/o Charley & Ruby

Potter, Eva Ann "Clifton" - joined - 20 Mar. 1994 - pres. mem. - 2004 - w/o T. D. Potter

Fennell, Francis, Mr. - dismissed - 21 April, 1963 - s/o Lee & Threecy Fennell

Fennell, Doris "DeBord" - dismissed - 21 April, 1963 - w/o Francis Fennell - d/o L. E. & Gladys DeBord

Fennell, Threecy - joined -1929 - dis. 1933 - rejoined - ? - dis. - 2 May, 1976

Fennell, Edna Marie - joined - ? - dis. - 2 Nov. 1958 - w/o Willard Walker - d/o Lee & Threecy Fennell

Merritt, Sr., R. L. "Buck" - dismissed - 12 April, 1958

Merritt, Zelphia - dismissed - 12 April, 1958 - w/o Buck Merritt Sr.

Merritt, Jr., R. L. - dismissed - 16 May, 1959 - s/o Buck & Zelphia Merritt

Smith, Rosa Jean "DeBord" - joined - ? - dismissed - 19 March, 1978 - d/o L. E. & Gladys DeBord

Peugh, Lawson Ray, Deacon - joined - 1 Jan. 1961 - re-baptized - 8 Oct. 1978 - present member - 2004

Peugh, Lou Jane "Young" - baptized - July, 1948 - present mem. - 2004 - w/o Lawson R. Peugh

Peugh, David - baptized - July, 1968 - present mem. - 2004 - s/o L. R. & Lou Jane Peugh

Sewell, Patricia "Peugh" -bapt. 30 Aug. 1964 -re-bapt.- Jul. 1970 - pres. mem.- 2004 - d/o L. R. & Lou Jane Peugh

Peugh. Tommy - baptized - 18 July, 1971 - dis. - 3 Sept. 1979 - s/o L. R. & Lou Jane Peugh

Peugh, Jacob - baptized - 22 May, 1994 - pres. mem. - 2004 - s/o David & Melba Peugh

Sewell, Jennifer Lou Jane - baptized - 27 Feb. 1994 - pres. mem. - 2004 - d/o Mike & Patricia Sewell

Hooten, William Byrd - baptized - Aug. 1946 - s/o Earl & Leota Hooten

Blackmon, Nita "Hooten" - joined - 30 Aug. 1964 - dis. - 9 Aug. 1970

Hill, Mattie Lee "Hooten" - joined - ? - d/o Earl & Leota Hooten

Miller, Roy - baptized - 6 Aug. 1949 - died - 3 Sept. 1970 - s/o Jimmie & Maggie Miller

Miller, Gladys "McCain" - baptized - 6 Aug. 1949 - died - 23 Dec. 1982 - w/o Roy Miller - d/o Dan & Eula McCain

Miller, Travis Earl - baptized - 6 Aug. 1949 - present member - 2004 - s/o Roy & Gladys Miller

Miller, Jackie Sue "Clifton" - bap. - 6 jun. 1971 - re-bapt. - 23 Oct. 1994 - pres. mem. - 2004 - w/o Travis E. Miller

Miller, T. J., Deacon - baptized - 14 Mar. 1965 - present member - 2004 - s/o Roy & Gladys Miller

Miller, Frankie Marie "Gann" - baptized - 14 Mar. 1965 - present member - 2004 - w/o T. J. Miller

Miller, Jimmie M. - baptized - 6 Aug. 1949 - died - 13 March, 1963

Miller, Maggie L. "DeBord" - baptized - Oct. 1903 - died - 30 Sept. 1966 - w/o Jimmie M. Miller

Rushin, Merrill - joined - Aug. 1950

Rushin, Merrill, Mrs. - joined - ? - dismissed - 17 Jan. 1973

Rushin, Donnis - baptism - 1 July, 1962 - dismissed - 15 April, 1965 - s/o Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Rushin

Rushin, Winona - baptism - 1 July, 1962 - dismissed - 10 Oct. 1965 - d/o Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Rushin

Rushin, Martha Jane - baptized - 30 Aug. 1964 - dismissed - 6 Feb. 1969 - d/o Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Rushin

Rabun, Edward - dismissed - 10 May, 1958

Rabun, Mildred "Carpenter" - dismissed - 10 May, 1958 - w/o Edward Rabin

Carpenter, Bobbie - dismissed - 10 May, 1958 - s/o R. L. & Mildred Carpenter

Chapman, Mary Ann "Carpenter" - dismissed - 19 Jan. 1958 - d/o R. L. & Mildred Carpenter

Waters, J. L.. - dismissed - 13 Dec. 1953

Waters, Viola, - dismissed - 13 Dec. 1953 - w/o J. L.. Waters

Waters, Patsy - dismissed - 13 Dec. 1953 - d/o J. L. & Viola Waters

Waters, Curtis - dis. - 13 Dec. 1953 - s/o J. L. & Viola Waters

McCain, T. J. Rev. dismissed - 27 Feb. 1953

McCain, Rosa - dismissed - 27 Feb. 1953 - rejoined - 9 Oct. 1954 - dis. - 9 Sept. 1962 - w/o T. J. McCain

Kleinheinz, Mary Ann "DeBord" - excluded - Sept. 1957 - d/o L. E. & Gladys DeBord

Smith, Dorothy Jack - joined - ? -

Pipkins, Check - dismissed - June, 1954

Pipkins, Mildred - dismissed - June, 1954 - w/o Check Pipkins

Pipkins, Lavern - dismissed - June, 1954 - d/o Check & Mildred Pipkins

McQeuary, Ada Catharine - dismissed - June, 1954

Martin, Maudie - baptized - 13 June, 1954 - died - 23 July, 1962

Tolley, Pauline "Allen" - dismissed - July, 1954

Manning, T. O. joined - 9 Oct. 1954 - dismissed - 9 Sept. 1962

Manning, Dora - joined - 9 Oct. 1954 - dismissed - 9 Sept. 1962 - w/o T. O. Manning

Horton, Grace "Edwards" - joined - ? - dismissed - 20 Feb. 1977

Horton, Jimmie Carrol - baptized - Aug. 1954 - dismissed - 17 May, 1955

Horton, Estilene - dismissed - 17 May, 1955 - w/o Jimmie Carrol Horton

Littrell, Ruby - dismissed - Mar. 1955

Gum, Curtis, Mrs. dismissed - 11 Sept. 1955

Gum, Virgie Ann - dismissed - 11 Sept. 1955

Gum, Billie Jack - dismissed - 11 Sept. 1955

Patton, C. E. Rev. - dismissed - Nov. 1955

Patton, Fay - dismissed - Nov. 1955 - w/o Rev. C. E. Patton

Bosman, Marice, Mrs. - dismissed - 1956

Beckham, J. E., Mrs. - dismissed - 30 June, 1963

Klutze, Robert - baptized - ? - dismissed - 27 Mar. 1960

Beckham, J. R. Bro. - dismissed - 13 Nov. 1960

Beckham, J. R., Mrs. - dismissed - 13 Nov. 1960

Beckham, Eva Lou - dismissed - 27 March, 1960

Crumbly, Kenneth Rev. joined - 1957 - dismissed - 15 June, 1958

Crumbly, Patsy "Waters" "Stevens" - joined - 2 Jun. 1957 - dis. - 15 Jun. 1958 - 2nd w/ o Kenneth Crumbly

Crumbly, Betty - baptized - 19 May, 1957 - dismissed - 12 Oct. 1957

Voss, Ethel "Pherigo" - joined - mar. 1957 - dismissed - 21 Sept. 1958

Hooten, Ora Fay - baptized - 16 June, 1957 - excluded - 11 March, 1962

Hopper, Jack - joined - 19 May, 1957 - present mem. -2004 - s/o John & Maude Hopper

Hopper, Joyce - joined - 19 May, 1957 - present mem. - 2004 - w/o Jack Hopper

Hopper, Johnny Royce - baptism - 1 Jan. 1961 - 4 Nov. 1973 - s/o Jack & Joyce Hopper

Hopper, Donald Frank - baptism - 30 Aug. 1964- dis. 17 June, 1979 - s/o Jack & Joyce Hopper

Hopper, Susie - baptized - 16 Feb. 1969 - dis. - 11 Jan. 1976 -d/o Jack & Joyce Hopper

McLaughlin, Ellie - baptized - 11 Aug. 1957 - died - 13 March, 1971 - 2nd w/o Frank M. McLaughlin Jr.

McMahan, Patsy "Waters" "Stevens" "Crumbly" - joined - 1961- dis. - 27 April, 1975

Armstrong, Viline - dismissed - 5 April, 1964

Owens, Doyle Rev. - joined - 1960 - dis. - 13 Nov. 1964 - rejoined - Mar. 1968 - dis. - 29 Nov. 1970

Owens, Doyle, Mrs. - joined - 1960 - dis. - 13 Nov. 1964 - rejoined - Mar. 1968 - dis. - 29 Nov. 1970

Owens, David - dismissed - 14 June, 1964

Causey, A. J., Deacon - joined - 27 Nov. 1960 - dis. - 15 Sept. 1985 - died - 1993

Causey, Ruby - joined - 27 Nov. 1960 - dis. - 15 Sept. 1985

Webb, Oline, Mrs. - joined - 1960 - dis. - 8 Nov. 1970

Rabun, Edward M. - rejoined - 1 Jan. 1961 - dismissed - 9 July, 1978

Rabun, Mildred "Carpenter" - rejoined - 18 Dec. 1960 - dismissed - 9 July, 1978

Rabun, David - baptism - 1 Jan. 1962

Hoover, Jennet - joined - 1 Jan. 1961 - dis. - 27 Feb. 1966 - rejoined - 29 Jun. 1969 - dis. 22 Feb. 1970

Lunsford, Kay "Hoover" - baptized - 11 Aug. 1963

Hoover, Ronnie - baptized - 30 Aug. 1964 - dis. - 8 April, 1973

Frew, Linda "Hoover" - baptized - 8 March, 1964

Brandenburgh, J. W., Mrs. - joined - 4 June, 1961

Brandenburgh, Sandra - baptized - 9 Sept. 1962 - died - 28 Oct. 1970 - married a Tomlinson

Voss, Elbert - joined - 19 Aug. 1962 - died - 21 March, 1975

Voss, Thelma - joined - 19 Aug. 1962 - died - 19 March, 1991- w/o Elbert Voss

Jones, Oscar, Mrs. - joined - 21 Oct. 1962 - died - 29 March, 1978

Jones, Judy - baptized - 26 May, 1963 - dismissed - 13 Feb. 1966

Locke, Ancil - baptism - 26 May, 1963

Waters, J. L., Deacon - rejoined - 1962 - dis. - 27 July, 1974

Waters, Viola - rejoined - 1962 - died - 9 Aug. 1974 - w/o Jessie L. Waters

Waters, Curtis - rejoined -1962 - dis. 14 June, 1977 - s/o J. L. & Viola Waters

Waters, Pat - joined - 6 Oct. 1963 - dismissed - 14 Sept. 1975 - 1st w/o Curtis Waters

Beadles, Billy Gene - joined - 13 Oct. 1963

Beadles, Mary - joined - 13 Oct. 1963

Beadles, Barbra - baptized - 16 Feb. 1969 - dis. - 31 Aug. 1973

Beadles, Janice - baptized - 22 June, 1969 - dis. 16 Feb. 1975

Beadles, Sherry - baptized - 22 June, 1969 - dis.- 1975

McMahan, Randy Merrill - baptized - 30 Aug. 1964 - s/o Kenneth & Patsy McMahan

Coker, Mance, Rev. - joined - 18 Oct. 1964 - dismissed -13 Nov. 1966

Coker, Francis - joined - 18 Oct. 1964 - dismissed - 13 Nov. 1966 - w/o Rev. Mance Coker

Weens, Mollie - joined - 2 Feb. 1965 - dismissed - 5 June, 1966 - d/o Mance & Francis Coker

Bell, Maxine - joined - 13 March, 1966 - dismissed - 9 Aug. 1970

Hooten, Oleta - joined - 1 May, 1966 - dis. - 22 April, 1979 - 2nd w/o William Byrd Hooten

Marshall, Jimmy - joined - 29 June, 1969 - dis. - 8 Dec. 1978

Marshall, Sherry - joined -11 Jan. 1970 - dis. - 8 Dec. 1978

McCallum, Donald - joined - 8 Oct. 1969

Hooten, Joe - joined -26 Oct. 1969

Godfrey, Larry - baptized - 19 July, 1970

Godwin, Timmy - baptized - 6 June, 1971

Harris, Bobby, Rev. - joined - 10 Mar. 1966 - dismissed - 9 July, 1967

Harris, Brenda - joined - 10 Mar. 1966 - dismissed - 9 July, 1967

Walker, Edna Marie "Fennell" - rejoined - 4 Nov. 1992 - present mem. - 2004 - w/o Willard Walker

Cox, Hollis - joined - 7 March, 1971

Cox, Jimmie Lee - joined - 20 July, 1969 - dis. - 10 Dec. 1989 - w/o Hollis Cox

Greer, Judy "Cox" - joined - 20 July, 1969 - dis. - 10 Dec. 1989 - d/o Mrs. Jimmie Cox

May, Stanley, Rev. - joined - 29 Nov. 1970 - dis. - 11 Sept. 1972

May, Arlene - joined - 29 Nov. 1970 - dis. - 11 Sept. 1972

DeBord, Margaret "Keelin" "Helton"- bap. - 6 June, 1971 - dis. - 1974 - rejoined. -18 Dec. 2002 - pres. mem. - 2004

Mathews, Mary "Keelin" - baptized - 6 June,1971 - dis. - 1974

Jennings, David - baptized - 6 June, 1971

Vaughan, Hubert - baptized - 6 June, 1971- dis. - 1975

Holder, Melba - joined - 20 June, 1971

McCauley, Danny - baptized - 18 July, 1971

Swaffard, Joseph - joined - 8 Aug. 1971 - dis. - 15 Oct. 1972

Swaffard, Mary - joined - 8 Aug. 1971 - dis. - 15 Oct. 1972

Nordin, Mike - joined - 3 Oct. 1971 - dis. - 19 Mar. 1972

Nordin, Linda - joined - 3 Oct. 1971 - dis. - 19 Mar. 1972

Muce, Robert - baptized - 23 July, 1972 - dis. - 10 June, 1973

Crowson, Lawrence - baptized - 23 July, 1972 - dis. - 10 June, 1973

Long, Frankie - joined - 9 July, 1972 - dis. - 9 Oct. 1983

McKinney, Lloyd, Rev. - joined - 8 July, 1973 - dis. - 27 Jan. 1974

Smithers, J. C., Rev. - joined - 28 April, 1974 - dis. - 1 Sept. 1974

Smithers, Sister - 28 April, 1974 - dis. - 1 Sept. 1974

Peters, Gary, Rev. - joined - 10 Nov. 1974 - dis. - 22 Aug. 1976

Peters, Kathy - joined - 10 Nov. 1974 - dis. - 22 Aug. 1976

Clifton, Mabel - joined - 4 May, 1975 - dis. 11 Sept. 1977 - rejoin - 20 Mar. 1994 - present mem.-2004

Pollard, J. C., Rev. - joined - 17 April, 1977 - died - 5 Nov. 1984

Pollard, Cecil, Sister - joined - 17 April, 1977 - dis. - 31 Dec. 1987

Tully, Martha - joined - 22 Nov. 1983

Carpente "Rushin" - rejoined - 2 May, 1982 - dis. - 13 Sept. 1987 - w/o Paul Tully

Tully, PaulCarpenter, Chris - baptized - 31 Oct. 1982 - dis. - 12 May, 1985 - s/o Teresa "Hooten" Carpenter

Shultz, r, Teresa - baptized - 31 Oct. 1982 - d/o William Byrd Hooten

Mildred "Hooten" - baptized - 31 Oct. 1982

McCauley, Janie - baptized - 31 Oct. 1982

McGraw, Barny - joined - 28 May, 1983 - died - 1991

McGraw, Fern - joined - 28 May, 1983 - died - 1989

Perritt, Eddie - joined - 16 Oct. 1983 - dismissed - 23 Nov. 1994

Perritt, Judy - baptized -23 Oct. 1983 - 1st w/o Eddie Perritt

Tomlinson, James B., Rev. - joined - 31 Aug. 2003 - pres. mem. and Pastor - 2004

Tomlinson, Patricia - joined - 31 Aug. 2003 - pres. mem. - 2004 - w/o James B. Tomlinson

Morgan, Lendale - baptized - 22 June, 1997 - pres. mem.-2004

Morgan, Linda "Potter" - baptized - 30 Oct. 1994 - pres. mem.-2004 - w/o Lendale Morgan